Also, I just found out recently that Sun Mart is no longer putting on the Sun Mart 50K/50 Mile event in December. I am very disappointed that I will not be able to run it again. I did not run it last year as I my training was not quite there at that point (and it was on my birthday), but I had already put it on my planning schedule at the beginning of this year and was expecting a great time out the whole experience. I am glad I did this event in 2007. It still ranks as my worst event performance (largely due to an injury), but my favorite event experience!

I feel like I was the last to find out, although I suspect that is hardly the case.
Tax time, isn't it great? No, not really :)!
That's too bad about the 50K - maybe you'll be able to find another endurance event around the same time of year...
Hang in there :)!
Word is that another sponsor may run with putting on a similar race, but SunMart did such a fantastic job, I don't know if anyone else would be up to the comparison. In the end we will see. While I was looking forward to SunMart 50K, my big winter race is the WDW Marathon. I know I could always do the Goofy Challenge--and I have thought about it--but I would be very disappointed if I got hurt on the half marathon and then could not do the full marathon. On the other hand, I have not yet registered for WDW and could still do the Goofy Challenge.
Too bad about Sunmart, but Decker Challenge here we come!!
Keep your eyes open for Sunmart to be resurrected as a different race. I have never run it, and was planning to last year before the hip fracture occurred. Hopefully, we'll both be able to run a renamed race in December...
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